How do you get your news about TeachCenter (TC) and TeachCenter Exam?
We at the OU Educational Technology are constantly developing the TC and TC Exam and and try to accommodate the wishes of teachers and students as much as possible. In addition, updates to new Moodle versions mean that new features are added all the time.
In this article, you will find out where, how and when you will be informed about updates in TC and TC Exam, so that you are always up to date with the latest TC features and can backup all your courses in time or prepare them for the coming semester.

Important events in the TC year:
every last Thursday of the month: update
mid-February and mid-September: semester change
TC announcements on maintenance windows, events and updates

about me in the FAQ.
Maintenance windows and news are regularly communicated via announcements in the TC.
Maintenance windows are also announced as banners at the top of the page a few days in advance. You will always see the latest announcements displayed on the left below the main menu.
Information on the upcoming semester and e-mail regarding semester change
About a month before the start of the new semester (or about two weeks before the semester change in the TC), you will receive an e-mail informing you of the semester change in the TC. This also includes a link to the FAQ course in the TC, where you will find the most important information on the semester change in the TC as well as any other changes or new features.
In addition, before the start of the new semester, you will receive an e-mail from the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs announcing other important information such as dates for further training courses and events. The date of the semester change of the TC (= the day from which students of the current semester get access to the courses and students of the oldest semester lose access) is visible on the dashboard from now on.

Save the documents in good time before the course reset or semester change. If individual students still need access to the documents, please contact the support team.
FAQs for teachers and students
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and basic information about TC and TC Exam can be found on the FAQ pages.
New: From now on, information on the semester change will be communicated via the TC FAQ course.
Plug-in page for an overview of plug-in installed

Information about the currently installed Moodle plug-ins such as specific activities, question types or course blocks can be found on the plug-in page.
This page also provides information on how long the plug-ins are expected to be supported.
Events by Educational Technology, the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs and other media of TU Graz
You can learn about new - or existing, but still unknown to you - features of the TC during courses offered via the in-house training or during an individual appointment as part of TEL coaching. All offers can be booked on the in-house training page.
In addition, new features or changes in the TC and TC Exam are always communicated during events organised by the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs, where the new concepts and offers can also be discussed. Some highlights in the academic year include:
- LLT Breakfast
- Teachers‘ Discussion Group
- Lunch & Teaching (Lunch & Lehre)
Additionally, here you can always find the latest news at TU Graz:
Updates by The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (via e-mail)
TeachCenter how-to guides
You can find step-by-step guides to individual TC activities and plug-ins directly on the TELucation website under the menu item ”User Guides“. The how-to guides and handouts
are always kept up to date by the TC support team.
Feedback and Contact

We are always happy to receive feedback on the TC or TC Exam. Are you missing a particular feature in the TC or TC Exam? Have you discovered a bug? Would you like to add a question and answer to the FAQs or would you like a how-to guide on a particular activity? Feel free to contact the Support Team.