Website relaunch, accessible articles, how-to guides
- At the end of 2021, the website was relaunched in a new OER-compliant and accessible design. Due to the extensions and new requirements for the website, a redesign became necessary.
- The new website is accessible. In addition, accessible Word documents are now available for download for all TELucation articles (for now, in German only).
- In the course of the update, all how-to guides for the TeachCenter, TeachCenter Exam etc. by the OU Educational Technology were moved to the TELucation website, so that all information on technology-enhanced teaching and learning (TEL) is now collected in one place.
Change of license to CC BY, new icons and fonts
From May 2021, new issues will be published with a CC BY licence instead of CC BY-SA, as this has proven to be more practical in practice. At the same time as this change, a new openly licensed icon set was designed for TELucation and a new font was chosen for the printed articles.
Podcast "Lehren - Lernen - Lauschen" (Teaching - Learning - Listening)
In April 2021, the first podcast episode for "Teaching - Learning - Listening" was recorded, which has since been available to listen to on the TELucation website.
English articles
Since February 2021, all contributions have also been published in English. They are available online and as a PDF download 1-2 weeks after publication of the German version.

TELucation as a registered trademark
TELucation is registered as an EU trademark at EUIPO (European Union for Intellectual Property, based in Alicante). The certificate is presented in our meeting room at Münzgrabenstraße 36, 8010 Graz, Austria.
Website launch
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, no events could take place on site, so no TELucation articles could be published in print. At the same time, there was a need for online information. In September 2020, the TELucation website was therefore launched in order to make the articles accessible to people who do not have their own collection folder and also to reach interested parties outside Graz University of Technology.
Special name tags for the collection folder
Persons with special roles (senior lecturers, faculty representatives for virtual teaching, teaching award winners) receive special acrylic glass name tags for their folders, which illustrate their role at TU Graz.
Design and production of the first issue
- The TELucation collection folder and the first articles including stickers were designed and produced by members of the Organisational Unit Educational Technology at Graz University of Technology.
- The folders were presented to the institutes and deaneries of Graz University of Technology in person in September 2019 and as part of a teacher's discussion group at Graz University of Technology.
- Since then, new TELucation articles have been published and presented at events of the OU Educational Technology and the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs. Certain groups of people, such as teaching award winners and senior lecturers, receive personalised folders with acrylic glass tags or stickers.

Project start
It all started with the desire to create a "Handbook Booklet E-Learning". An initial brainstorming session resulted in the desire for an expandable folder with collectible stickers as an incentive. Especially in technology enhanced learning and teaching, there are constant changes that a one-off printed work cannot do justice to.
The name for the project was supposed to be found within the Organisational Unit Educational Technology at Graz University of Technology during a "crazy hour" - however, the winning name at the time was already in use, so another name had to be chosen: the chosen name was "TELucation" and the slogan "Let me TEL(L) you about eEducation".
More about TELucation
More information on the collection folder can be found in the FAQ.