Using a video conferencing system in teaching
Some rooms at TU Graz are equipped with a Cisco Webex video conferencing system. The video conferencing system (VCS) allows you to have some of the students participate in the course from another room at TU Graz (e.g. lecture hall) or from home. However, the system can also be used as a whiteboard or to share your screen in face-to-face classes without a videoconference.
Please use the room calendar in TUGRAZonline to book the rooms with a VCS if you want to use them.

Video conferencing system with large screen and touch panel
Grundfunktionen der VKA
During an online meeting
Further information
Help & Contact
For technical issues and questions: videokonferenz@tugraz.at
For questions on use cases and didactical measures: telucation@tugraz.at
The following guides and documents might be helpful:
- Guides by the IT Support (in German) on Webex and video conferencing systems
- Guide by the OU Educational Technology on Webex in Teaching
- TELucation artikel with didactical tips on hybrid teaching