Exam Printer in the TeachCenter (Exam)
You can use the Exam Printer to print a quiz created in the TeachCenter (Exam) as a PDF, including a customised cover page, e.g. for an in-person exam. In the process, you can use your existing question bank in the TeachCenter (Exam).
Overview of the Exam Printer
After creating a quiz with questions, click on the Results tab in the quiz menu and choose Export attempts/Exam Printer from the drop-down menu on the left.
Then scroll down to the section Exam Printer.
- Settings: Here you can adapt settings for the exam and make additions to the cover page.
- Download exam sheet: The exam preview is displayed as a PDF.
- Download exam sheet with correct answers: The exam is displayed with correct answers - for easier correction of the exam.
- Cover page: Create a template for the first page of your exam under Create template. You can find more information on this topic under "How can I design a cover page template?"
Note: You can also create customised exam sheets for all students by clicking on Create attempts above the section Exam Printer. More information on this can be found under "Create a customised exam for students".
In the settings, you can select a previously created template for your cover page. You can also design the cover page in a text box below the exam date. You can use the placeholders listed there to insert certain individualised information on the exam sheet, such as the exam date or the maximum points.
This is how your cover page could look like with the placeholders ##COURSENAME## and ##MAXPOINTS##:
Below the text box in the settings, there are two check boxes:
Show institute name: displays the name of your institute at the top of the cover page
Show info box: The info box is an automatically generated table for completing student information (e.g. name and matriculation number) and the exam result.
In the section Settings, there are the following settings:
Question flow: You can use the drop-down menu to choose whether all questions should be printed one after the other, one question should be printed per page or whether each section header should be on a new page (headers have to be created in the quiz).
Show section header: possible with or without background shading
Question text scale in percent: Adjust the text size of the exam questions. 140 is the recommended default size.
Space between questions in cm: This setting is used to add a space after each question to allow more room to answer. This setting is empty by default.
Under Advanced settings, you can determine that the question header, consisting of question number and points, is displayed - also with or without background shading, and whether you want to provide the questions on the exam sheet with a question border.
Your question header with background shading could look like this on the printed exam sheet:
You can also tick Show general feedback, which is then displayed on the exam sheet with correct answers. General feedback, which can be added when creating a question, allows you to add additional explanations and a solution for easier correction.
In the Advanced settings, you can also find the Show answer time drop-down menu. If you choose "Yes", the answer time will be displayed in the question header for each exam question, provided that you have tagged questions in your question bank. More information on tags can be found under "Detailed information".
Download exam sheet with correct answers allows you to create a PDF including correct answers.
Note: All exam questions (with the exception of the "Essay" -question type) include a correct answer (the correct answer(s) you have defined in the question bank). However, you also have the option of adding correct answers for "Essay"- questions. To do so, click on the tab Questions in the quiz. For editing the relevant "Essay"- question, click on the gear icon on the left. You can now add the correct answers under Grader information > Information for graders.
For exam questions, there is also a General feedback that you can use for an additional explanation of the solution (as mentioned briefly above). This box is also available for automatically -graded questions.
Attention: For the solution to be displayed on the exam sheet, please tick Show general feedback in the Settings of the Exam Printer.
You can design a cover page template under Create template.
You can choose whether the template should only be available within the course or also for all TeachCenter (Exam) courses of the institute (drop-down menu Visibility: "Course" is selected by default). All templates can be edited or deleted at a later date.
Detailed information
If you create a quiz with random questions, an additional section appears in the Exam Printer settings: Random quiz.
There are three options to use the Exam Printer with random questions.
1. The exam should not be editable afterwards:
Click on Download exam sheet and the exam will be created and printed with random questions.
2. The exam questions should be editable afterwards:
If you want to generate a random quiz and still want to have the option of adapting and editing questions, you first have to create a static quiz from this random quiz. To do so, click Create a static quiz from this random quiz under Random quiz.
A new quiz is then generated, which you can open by clicking Open the quiz.
A new tab then opens in your browser with a quiz that has the same title as the "original random quiz", including a unique hash number at the end.
If you click on the tab Questions at the top of this "new" quiz, you will see that it contains exam questions that were created from the question pool of all random questions. In this "new" quiz, you have the option to remove and edit questions.
If you now go back to the Exam Printer (click tab Results, then Export attempts/Exam Printer in the drop-down menu on the left), scroll down and click Download exam sheet. The exam will be created and printed with the selected questions.
Note: Creating static exams from a random quiz can be repeated as often as required.
3. Create a customised exam for students:
If you have created a quiz with random questions, you have the option of creating a customised quiz for each student in your TeachCenter course by clicking on Create attempts in the table above the Exam Printer. Customised means that an attempt with its "individual" random questions is created for each student.
In addition to the name and e-mail address of the students, the list of participants also contains attempt sheets. Click on Attempt sheet to download exam sheets individually for each student in the course.
Additionally, the placeholders ##STUDENTNAME## and ##STUDENTNUMBER## can be used for the cover page of these customised exams to add the name and matriculation number of the student. More on this under "Setting options for the Exam Printer".
In the settings of a question, you can assign any tags to a question, e.g. the answer time.
For example, questions can be categorised as easy, medium and difficult, as well as with the estimated answer time. In the TELucation article #11 Best-Practice-Example: Exam Printer in the TeachCenter under "Practical tips and tricks" you will find examples for the use of tags for the Exam Printer.
Note: Only if you use the tag answertime:x for exam questions the total exam time will be displayed on the Exam Printer's "overview page".
Help & Contact
For questions on TeachCenter / TeachCenter Exam: tc@tugraz.at
More practical tips & tricks and a practical application case can be found in the TELucation article #11 Best-Practice-Example: Exam Printer in the TeachCenter.