The quiz activity in TU Graz TeachCenter (Exam)
At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), you have the option to take exams and carry out self-assessments in the TeachCenter.
In this document, you will find information on the different types of tests available as well as a short technical guide to the creation of a Quiz activity.
General information about the "Quiz" activity in the TeachCenter
The Quiz activity can be used especially for exams with goals such as:
- Checking factual knowledge
- Review of specific definitions
- Solutions of computational tasks, where the result is more important than the process
By selecting an appropriate question type for a Quiz activity, also more complex tasks are possible. For example, assessing the ability to control processes and using procedures to solve a given problem. Consider that for these types of tasks, there are also other activities available, such as the Assignment activity.
In TeachCenter Exam, which is based on Moodle, you have more question types available in the „Quiz" activity than in KnowledgeCheckR. Many teachers are already familiar with Moodle and will therefore not find it difficult to create a quiz activity in TeachCenter (Exam).
In TeachCenter (Exam), however, there is no camera-based supervision integrated into the test activity; this would have to be carried out separately.
In addition, the test activity can be created directly in TeachCenter or TeachCenter Exam by all persons with editing rights; no additional link is necessary as with CheckR. The results can then be found directly in the TeachCenter (Exam) and do not have to be exported.
- Multiple choice (including single choice)
- True/False
- Matching
- Short answer
- Numerical
- Essay
- All-or-Nothing Multiple Choice
- Calculated
- Calculated multichoice
- Calculated simple
- Drag and drop into text
- Drag and drop markers
- Drag and drop onto image
- Embedded answers (Cloze)
- Random short-answer matching
- Select missing words
- Variable numeric
- Variable numeric set
These question types can be more or less suitable depending on the degree of complexity of the task and therefore, it can be helpful to combine different ones.
In the following section, the question types "Multiple or single choice" and "Calculated" will be described in more detail.
If you want to read more on further types of questions, we recommend the Moodle documentation.
- If your quiz is an officially registered exam on TUGRAZonline (students registered for the exam ≠ students registered for the course), you should use the TeachCenter Exam.
- If your quiz is NOT an officially registered exam (e.g. self-assessment, examination, exercises) and should be completed by all course participants, you should use the “normal” TeachCenter.
Create a test activity including questions
- Activate the editing mode by using the slider at the top right of the course.
- In the desired section, click on Add an activity or resource.
- Select Quiz in the pop-up.
Adding a quiz activity - Write a title for the quiz and if necessary add a description for your students.
Now you can select the settings for your test:
- Under Timing, you can specify the time window in which the quiz should be carried out (Open the quiz & Close the quiz) and define the overall duration of the quiz. (Time limit)
Setting a time limit for a quiz - In the Grade section, under Grade to pass, you can determine the minimum value required to pass. Also under Attempts allowed, you can enter how often the students are allowed to take the exam.
You can configure how many attempts are allowed when taking a quiz, for example: 3 - In the section Review options, you can define what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports. Immediately after the attempt settings apply for the first two minutes after Submit all and finish is clicked. Later, while the quiz is still open settings apply after this, and before the quiz close date. After the quiz is closed settings apply after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.
For a course assessment, it makes sense to uncheck all the boxes except "The attempt". However, after the assessment, turn the "marks" checkmark back on so that your students can see their own points.Selecting "the attempt" in the review options - When you are finished, click on Save and Display.
You have created a test, but now you need to add questions.
You can create questions directly in a quiz activity. However, it is easier for later administration to create the questions in the question bank of the course and add them to the quiz in a next step.
Create categories in the question bank (optional)
- In the course, click More > Question bank at the top.
- If you want to organise your questions into categories, create these categories first by clicking on Questions on the top left and selecting Categories in the drop-down list.
How to add categories - Click on Add category and add a name for the category. When you have created your categories, you can go back to Questions using the drop-down list.
- Select the desired category and click on Create a new question.
Creating a new question in the question bank - Select Multiple Choice from the pop-up window and click on Add.
all possible question types, our advice: choose multiple choice
Settings of a single choice question
- Question name: choose a meaningful title for the question (participants cannot see it)
- Write the text for your question in Question text.
- Question status: Select whether the questions is only a draft or whether is is ready to be used.
- Select the item One answer only under One or more answers?
answer settings for single choice questions - In the Answers section, type the possible answers under Choice. Please note that you do not have to fill in all the options. If there are further possible answers click on Blanks for 3 more choices.
- Grade:
For the correct answer select 100% from the drop-down menu
For the wrong answers: select None from the drop-down menu - Finally, click on Save changes.
Add any other questions to the question bank. After you have created a question in the question bank, you can save the question as Ready or Draft. This is also possible in the settings of the question.
Questions also have versions (visible in the next figure as v1 and v2). This can be helpful if several teachers in a course are in charge of the question bank. In the question bank, you can select for each individual question that you always want to use the latest version (Always latest).
If you want to view the original question or all versions of the question, go to the drop-down list Edit > History.
- In the last step, you now need to merge the questions from the question collection and the (empty) test activity you created earlier.
You can create questions directly in a quiz activity. However, it is easier for later administration to create the questions in the question bank of the course and add them to the quiz in a next step.
Create categories in the question bank (optional)
- In the course, click More > Question bank at the top.
- If you want to organise your questions into categories, create these categories first by clicking on Questions on the top left and selecting Categories in the drop-down list.
How to add categories - Click on Add category and add a name for the category. When you have created your categories, you can go back to Questions using the drop-down list.
- Select the desired category and click on Create a new question.
Creating a new question in the question bank - Select Multiple Choice from the pop-up window and click on Add.
Settings of a multiple choice question
- Question name: choose a meaningful title for the question (participants cannot see it)
- Write the text for your question in Question text.
- Question status: Select whether the questions is only a draft or whether is is ready to be used.
- Select the item Multiple answers allowed under One or more answers?
answer settings for multiple choice questions - In the Answers section, type the possible answers under Choice. Please note that you do not have to filled in all the options. If there are further possible answers click on Blanks for 3 more choices.
- Grade:
For the correct answers: select a percentage in the drop-down menu so that the sum of all correct answers is 100%. The percentages can be distributed differently over the response options.
For the wrong answers: you can also select a negative percentage in the drop-down menu. (A total of -100% is also possible here. There cannot be negative points). - Finally, click on Save changes.
- Open the exam.
- Click on the Questions tab or on the Add question button.
- Click on Add on the right and select + from question bank.
Adding a question from the question bank - Select the questions by ticking the white box.
- Finally, click on Add selected questions to the quiz.
You can also add sections in the exam questions overview, arrange the questions differently, and quickly edit the total points. For more information on how to assign and distribute points, see the user guide for grading in the TU Graz TeachCenter.
- Open the exam
- Click on Preview quiz.
As a teacher, you can only preview the exam and your scores are not saved. The preview can be repeated as often as you like.
You can also change your role by clicking on your name on the top right > Switch role to... > Student. Then you will see the exam from a student's point of view.
Students with a disability or illness are entitled to an extended exam time depending on their situation. In the TeachCenter, you can simply overwrite the end of a quiz for individual students.
- To do this, click on the quiz.
- Click on More > Overrides.
- Click on the Add User Override button.
Using user overrides to set different time limits - Search for the name of the student who should get an extended test time.
- Change the quiz closure and/or time limit accordingly. Note: the quiz closure is the actual last submission time and the exam will be submitted at this point, even if the students would have more time according to the "time limit".
- Click on Save.
In the following overview, you can still edit (gear icon) or delete (recycle bin) the user override.
FAQ about question types
The easiest way is to work with random questions from the question bank. For this, see our guide on randomizing questions.
Calculated questions offer a way to create individual numerical questions by the use of common variables names such for example {x} and {y}, which are substituted with random values when the quiz is taken.To create questions with variables, use the calculated question type. For further information read the Moodle documentation.
A combination of multiple choice question and calculated question is the question type "Calculated multichoice question type". For further information read the Moodle documentation.
Another question type using random values from a certain range is STACK, which is appropriate for more complex mathematical exams.
- Each question stem should be clearly linked to the students’ achievement of a learning outcome.
- Each question should address only one clearly formulated problem and should contain all the information necessary to answer. Additionally, the stem question should not contain irrelevant material, unless a significant learning outcome requires it.
- Each question should be formulated in simple and clear language and, if possible, contain no negative phrasing.
- Questions and a partial sentences are preferable to gap-fill (cloze) questions.
- All alternatives should be plausible.
- Alternatives should be stated clearly and concisely.
- Alternatives should be mutually exclusive.
- Alternatives should be homogenous in content, length and linguistic style.
- Questions should not contain a linguistic hint to the correct answer(s). This means, for example, that it is important that all options are grammatically consistent with the stem and are similar in language.
- “textbook language" should be avoided.
- “As long as necessary, as short as possible." If possible, the majority of words should be included in the stem in order to keep the alternatives as concise as possible. Complex items should be avoided.
- Avoid “all of the above” and “none of the above”.
- Avoid using extreme words such as “always”, “never”, “completely”.
- Alternatives should be in a logical order (e.g., alphabetical or numerical) to avoid a bias toward certain positions.
Grading and exporting exams
When you add questions to a quiz, you can assign points to each question. Total of marks shows the total sum of all points of individual questions.You may independently define a Maximum grade, which may differ from this. The total of marks is scaled to correspond to the maximum grade (example: here, the two points of the questions will be scaled up to 10 points total).
In the activity settings of the quiz activity (Open the quiz > Settings tab > Grade), you can also define the Grade to pass, which is the minimum grade required to pass. The maximum achievable points correspond to the value entered for Maximum grade.
Some question types such as multiple choice, single choice, short answer are graded automatically. In this case, you do not need to grade anything manually and can directly see the results when students have completed the test.
Some question types (Multiple choice, Matching, Short answer) can be graded automatically. In this case, you can immediately view the results once students have completed the quiz. To do this, open the quiz and go to the Results tab.
Click on Review attempt under the name of the student to view the attempt and write comments or make corrections, if necessary.
Please note: Question types such as for example Essay questions require manual grading by the teacher.
Click on Make comment or override mark to write a comment or edit grades. Click on Save to save the changes. In this way, you can also overwrite automatically generated grades.
If you would like to grade all the student answers of one question at once, you can do this via manual grading. This is especially suitable for questions that are not automatically graded, such as essay questions. To do this, click on the Quiz activity > Go to the Results Tab > Choose Manual grading from the dropdown menu.
You will now see an overview of the questions that still need grading.
Click on grade all to see a list of all the answers to the respective question. Here, marks and comments can be added as usual. Remember to click on Save and go to next page at the end to save the grades.
If you want to revise automatically rated answers to a question collectively, click on Also show questions that have been graded automatically and on update grades or grade all.
Within a quiz activity, you can download the detailed results of a quiz activity as a table (question texts, students' answers, correct answers, points). You can use this information to generate an overview of the detailed results of all students and an activity.
Download the results of a quiz: Open quiz > tab Results. Above the table of students and points, there is the option Download table data as. Select the preferred format (.csv, .xlsx, HTML table, .json, .ods) and click download. This allows you to export the detailed results of a quiz.
It is also possible to download the quiz results together with the question texts, the students' answers or the right answers in a table in the formats mentioned above. To download this information, generate a results report first. Click on the tab Results in the quiz activity, then choose Responses in the dropdown.
Tick the preferred boxes in Display options and click Show report. The selected items now appear in the table, which you can download as described.
Students can view their scores (or grades as numbers, if this has been activated in the settings of the assessment overview) via the Grades tab in the main menu at the top of the TeachCenter course.
The assessments comply with the GDPR because unlike teachers, you can only see your own results!
Students can also view their scores or other details such as their test attempt or feedback by reopening the exam activity later.
What is displayed in this view is defined by teachers in the test activity settings.
Help & Contact
For questions on TeachCenter / TeachCenter Exam: tc@tugraz.at
You can find further information on formulating multiple-choice and single-choice questions here:
Brame, C., (2013) Writing good multiple choice test questions. [09/04/2020]
Schott, Reinhard: Multiple-Choice-Prüfungen. Infopool besser lehren. Center for Teaching and Learning, Universität Wien, November 2017 [09/04/2020].
MC-Aufgaben erstellen. (23. November 2015). E-Assessment-Wiki [09/04/2020].
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TU Graz Educational Technology